Novo Staff

Geordie & Sharon Ziegler

Geordie and Sharon Ziegler come to Novo and Imago Christi after more than 30 years experience in missions and pastoral ministry. They have lived in China, Canada, and Scotland, and currently reside in Camas, Washington. Sharon has a Masters of Christian Arts, and Geordie an M.Div., both from Regent College. Geordie also received an MTh and PhD from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Geordie and Sharon are the proud parents of three large-hearted adult children and an amazing daughter-in-law. 

Geordie and Sharon serve on one of Novo's Spiritual formation teams, Imago Christi ( Imago Christi works with Christian leaders and churches around the world to deepen their relational intimacy with God. This past year, the Imago Christi team trained or mentored over 450 global church leaders serving in 26 countries around the world. 

It is important that these leaders be able to access the support they need without money being a barrier. Would you prayerfully consider becoming one of their ministry partners? [click here to join their partner team]

heart & ministry

Sharon’s passion is coming alongside others as they discover the deeper life of their belovedness in Christ. She is especially drawn to walking with women who so often find themselves caught in discouraging cycles of fatigue, anxiety, and shame.

Sharon companions Church leaders through spiritual direction, coaching, and healing prayer as they discover a life of greater delight, joy, and freedom, grounded in a deeper intimacy with Christ. Sharon is also part of a team that facilitates Spiritual Formation Discovery retreats which are open to any Christian who desires to go deeper in their journey with the Triune God.

Additionally, as a couple, Sharon and Geordie encourage and support marriages by facilitating The Table Retreats, marriage retreats specifically designed for couples in ministry. These retreats provide a safe space for ministry couples to reconnect to themselves and to one another in community with other couples who share similar challenges.


As a partner in their ministry, the Zieglers look forward to encouraging you in your walk with the Lord by sharing with you some of their learnings in life and ministry. Your partnership will positively impact the relational and spiritual health of global Christian leaders, causing a massive ripple effect within Christ's kingdom. 

So many of our leaders have grown up in a system where value and love are earned through achieving and succeeding. While the Christian leader may trust that God values and loves them unconditionally, they often do not extend such unconditional value and love to themselves. In other words, theologically, they may believe in grace, but functionally they do not. This is where Imago Christi’s work is so critical in helping leaders who feel the weight of burden and the pressure of production, to rediscover themselves as part of a love story where their value to God is not tied to their productivity in the kingdom. This is a life journey and generally needs a guide who is journeying that road ahead of us and can help us pay attention and discern God’s movements in and around us. 

Leaders who have been transformed to serve from a place of joy and freedom, and not anxious productivity or performance orientation (which is the way of our world), reflect Jesus more. And, most importantly for Christ’s kingdom, these leaders will shape disciples who reflect that same DNA. This is why Imago Christi’s work with global leaders is so essential. 

heart & ministry

Geordie's passion is that Christian leaders discover their belovedness in God, so that their ministry flows from an ongoing and personal experience of that love. He is convinced that the Life and Love of the Trinity is not just an abstract idea for theologians and mystics to ponder, but the heart and soul of the Christian life. Geordie loves to help ministry leaders reframe their 'why' in ministry so that they 'work from love.' 

Specifically, Geordie serves Christian leaders through Spiritual direction, coaching, soul care, facilitating Spiritual Formation Discovery workshops, and retreats on prayer and trinitarian spiritual formation. He also teaches regularly in Bible Schools in developing nations like Albania. In addition, Geordie is working to develop spiritual formation resources for use among Novo missionaries as well as for the Church at large. Whatever he is doing, Geordie understands his identity is as a 'matchmaker' and 'bridgebuilder,' connecting minds and hearts by curating environments where people can discover and recover their true selves inside the life and love of the Trinity. 


Novo is a band of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the gospel and mobilize the church for mission around the world. 

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